October 7, 2023 event

Unlocking Success: Micro-Credentialing in Hospitality and Tourism Education

Dear Academic Trailblazers and GPA Partners,

Warm greetings to all! We are delighted to share a groundbreaking initiative that has been making waves in the realm of education and career readiness – the integration of micro-credentialing in curriculum design and practicum programs. Over the past four years, our partner universities and colleges have witnessed the remarkable impact of associate designation certifications, particularly the Certified Associate Hospitality Professional (CAHP) and Certified Associate Tourism Professional (CATP), offered by GPA in hospitality and tourism education.

The evidence is clear: students who undertake these certifications demonstrate not only positive attitudes but also enhanced confidence in both academic and industry settings. This success underscores the effectiveness of acquiring excellent and relevant certifications outside the traditional university/college framework. In an era where the service industry demands a diverse set of skills, micro-credentials serve as a vital component for students to bolster their credentials while pursuing their degree programs.

The CAHP and CATP certifications, issued by the International Alliance of Certified Hospitality and Tourism Professionals, play a pivotal role in promoting job readiness among recipients. The credibility of these associatory designation certificates has been further validated through a recent accreditation by Smart Awards-UK, solidifying our commitment to excellence in education.

Calibrating for Success: Aligning Micro-Badges with Quality Frameworks

In our most recent calibration workshop with the Assessment Advisory Board (AAB), Distinguished Reviewers (DR), and Program Specialists (PS) on October 7, 2023, we took a meticulous approach to re-map the micro-badges of each program. The goal was to align them with the domains and relevant models of the Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF). The results were enlightening, indicating that the Knowledge, Skills, and Values (KSV) covered by these certifications fall within the Level 3-6 range, combining both application and analysis.

Furthermore, the workshop highlighted the degree of independence exhibited in the acquired skill sets and competencies, classifying recipients as proficient in their respective fields. This aligns seamlessly with the needs of the ever-evolving service industry, where adaptability and proficiency are paramount.

A Promise of Excellence: Endorsement by Smart Awards-UK

We are thrilled to announce that the CAHP and CATP certifications have undergone extensive review and are now endorsed by Smart Awards-UK. This accreditation, coupled with our recognition as a Smart Awards Centre with Centre Number 1175, is a testament to the high standards and quality of our programs.

Shaping Futures: Inviting Your Institution to Embrace Micro-Credentialing

As academic leaders, you can be assured that the subjects/modules offered align with UK tourism streams, ASEAN MRA-TP (ACCSTP), CHED Memorandum no. 46 series of 2017, and TESDA competencies. Our commitment to providing high-quality micro-learning badges through online modules, with a minimal fee, extends to customizing exclusively for your internationalization and curriculum enrichment endeavors.

We invite you, along with your esteemed deans and practicum coordinators, to explore the opportunity to integrate micro-credentialing into your curriculum structure or practicum program via credentialing mode. By doing so, your institution will join the ranks of those at the forefront of making micro-credentialing alive and robust in curriculum design.

Celebrating Excellence: Vega Star Class and Eight Star Awards

Our journey continues with the upcoming Vega Star Class from February 19 to March 16, 2024. Additionally, mark your calendars for December 07, 2024, when schools with outstanding performances in CAHP and CATP will be recognized as STAR Awardees during our Eight Star Awards ceremony.

In conclusion, we take immense pride in our students’ achievements and the transformative impact that CAHP and CATP certifications have on their overall career readiness. Together, let us continue to champion micro-credentialing as a powerful tool for success in the dynamic service industry.

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